Mayor of Mary Esther, Florida
My name is Edward B. "Ned" Stieglitz, and I am announcing my candidacy for the position of Mayor of Mary Esther, Florida in the upcoming March 8, 2022, election.
While the act of governing requires that elected officials address many issues and moving parts, I believe that in the immediate there are three critical issues we as a community -- and I as your future Mayor (should you choose to vote for me) -- need to address:
Platform / The Issues
Many of you know me as NeighborNed, demonstrating my sincere desire to bring our community together so that we can discuss our common issues and interests and come together as a community to craft practical and effective solutions that best serve our community as a whole.
Today, after having had the opportunity to acquaint myself with many of you, it has become clear that this dedication to public cohesiveness and inclusion needs to be advanced into our local government. Let's not forget, our government exists to serve us, not the other way around. We need them listening -- and hearing -- our concerns and ideas especially when responding to us and our needs...